Year 6
Autumn 2
Welcome to Year 6:
Filaree and Calathea Class
Miss Simmons and Miss Clark are teaching Filaree Class and Mrs. Borecka is the class teacher in Calathea Class.
Welcome to year 6! We hope you find the information below useful. This information will help you support your child at home with the organisation of their week and their learning at home.
Key Times
Homework | Each week, children will be given maths, reading and English homework on a Thursday. This will be due on the following Wednesday.
PE | The P.E days for all Year 6 classes are Monday and Friday. The children may sometimes do P.E outside, so please make sure they have a warm PE kit and appropriate shoes for these sessions. |
Trips | This half-term we will be going on a local area walk as part of our geography topic. We will also be going to this year’s pantomime at the Fairfield Halls in Croydon. A letter will follow soon. |
Key Times | For Year 6, the school day will begin at 8.45, and end at 3.30. Pupils can arrive at school from 8:30 to come in for a soft start activity. If a child arrives after 8:45, they must be taken round to the school office. |
What are we learning?
Literacy | In Literacy, we will be starting the term with a non-fiction unit based on the ‘Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History’ book. Pupils will be writing biographies and autobiographies. For the rest of the term, we will be reading ‘Amari and the Night Brothers’ which is a fantasy novel about a young girl who finds out she is a magician. Our writing focus will be narratives, persuasive letters and poetry. |
Maths | In maths, we will be focusing on Multiplication, Division and fractions. We will also continue to address any arithmetic gaps from missed learning. |
Science | Light will be our main focus in science, thinking about what light is and what it is made up of, the components of the eye and how we see, and the processes of reflection and refraction. |
Geography | We will be looking at different settlement types and how geography changes over time. Our key areas will be Penge and Osmington. |
History | In History, we will be learning about the British Empire, thinking particularly about how the Empire impacted the lives of people in the 19th Century. |
RE | In RE, we will be exploring the significance of Mary as Jesus’ mother. |
Computing | We will be focusing on Publishing this term in computing. We will be learning about website design, copyrights and hyperlinks. |
Art | In Art, we will be learning about collage, using the medium of photomontage and we will be creating mixed media images. |
French | In French, we will start by learning how to talk about countries in French, including their flags, what they are famous for and their physical geography. |
PSHE | In PSHE we will be thinking about families and relationships. We will also have a focus on wellbeing. |
PE | In PE we will be doing football. |
Music | For our music lessons, children will be learning about music inspired by nature: Storms, Winter and Earth. We will be expressing our opinions on pieces of music and will be composing our own. |
DT | In DT we will refine our baking skills. |
How can I help at home?
One of the key ways every parent can help is to ensure that your child is at school every day and on time. Other than this, the main way you can help is by making sure that your child reads every day, for at least 30 minutes – this can be with you, or on their own, but it is the most effective way of ensuring that your child progresses and learns outside of school. Practicing times tables frequently is vital.
Children have logins for Times Table Rock Stars – please encourage them to use this frequently, as it will really help with their quick recall of mathematical facts.
If you have any questions, please talk to Miss Simmons or Mrs. Borecka.
Miss Simmons and Mrs. Borecka