Year 1
Spring 1
Welcome to Year 1:
Daffodil Class and Tulip class
Miss Ajayi is teaching Daffodil Class and Ms. Lacy is teaching Tulip Class. Ms Anna and Mrs. Finnis are supporting across Year 1.
Welcome to Year 1! We hope you find the information below useful. This information will help you support your child at home with the organization of their week and their learning at home.
Key Times
Homework | We expect children to be reading for approximately 20 min daily and practice their timetables on TTRS, as this will benefit them greatly with all their learning in school. Red handwriting books need to be brought back every Friday and Bookmarks will need to be in every day. |
PE | Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your children have their kits in school on these days and be sure to label all clothes with a permanent marker. |
Trips | This half term, we will be taking a local area walk that is related to our geography topic. Moreover, we are thrilled to participate in a workshop called "Magical Toys," which is linked to our current history topic. This workshop will be led by the Freshwater Theatre. Additionally, we are excited to welcome the Living Eggs Programme for ten days towards the end of February. |
Key Times | For Year 1, the school day will begin at 8.30 am, and end at 3.30 pm. Please be punctual. |
What are we learning?
Literacy | In Literacy this term, we will be reading ‘Dragon dance’, ‘Mama Panya's Pancakes: A Village Tale from Kenya’ and ‘Peace at last’. We will be looking at poetry, instructions and narrative writing genre. Finally, our grammatical focus will continue with full stops, capital letters, finger spaces, question marks and exclamation marks. |
Maths | In Maths this half term, we are beginning to look at Place Value within 20. We will focus on our 2s, 5s and 10s times tables. We will recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number and identify, represent, and estimate numbers using different representations. |
Science | This half term in Science, we will continue to look at everyday materials and their properties. We will be examining everyday objects and describing what they are made from, how they feel, what they look like, and whether they are magnetic or not. We will look at the Three Little Pigs story, their building choices, and which material would make the best curtains. |
Geography | We are learning all about our school and the key features of its environment. We will be learning how to use a map to plan a route and discuss how we can travel to school. |
History | In History, we will be looking at how toys and games have changed. We will be looking at toys ranging from the Victorian era to now and look at what is the same and what is different. |
RE | In RE, we will be learning about Islam with a focus on community and belonging. |
Computing | This term in computing, we will be looking at Beebots and how to use them. We will learn how to navigate the robots and how to give them commands. |
Art | In Art, we will be learning about painting with a focus on the artist Piet Mondrian. We will be focusing on the primary colours, red, yellow and blue as well as how to properly control the paintbrush within the lines. |
PSHE | In PSHE we will be thinking about communities and how we are similar/different to others. We will be looking at individuals such as Asquith Xavier and Paul Stephenson. |
PE | In PE we will be learning multi-skills with a focus on gymnastics. The children will learn to develop their strength, flexibility and coordination through various activities. |
Music | Music this term will be Creepy Crawly rhythms. Again, we will look at pulse and rhythm. |
DT | In DT this term, we are learning how to make a fruit salad. We will be looking at different fruits from around the world and how they are grown. We will start by making a design brief and then finally, make our own fruit salads. |
How can I help at home?
One of the key ways every parent can help is to ensure that the children are at school every day and on time. Other than this, the primary way you can help is by ensuring that your child reads every day for at least 30 minutes – this can be with you or on their own, but it is the most effective way of ensuring that your child progresses and learns outside of school.
Children have logins for Purple Mash and Timetables Rockstar– please encourage them to use this frequently, as it will help them quickly recall mathematical facts.
If you have any questions, please talk to Miss Ajayi or Ms. Lacy, or you can arrange a phone call by emailing the office.
We look forward to hearing from you soon,
Miss Ajayi and Ms. Lacy