Year 3
Autumn 2
Welcome to Year 3:
Orchid and Marigold Class
Miss Sayers is teaching Orchid this year and Ms Hewitt is the class teacher in Marigold. Miss Ing is supporting across Year 3.
Welcome to year 3! We hope you find the information below useful. This information will help you support your child at home with the organisation of their week and their learning at home.
Key Times
Homework | Each week, childrenâ¯are expected to learn their spellings, practise their times tables, practise their joined-up handwriting and read for 30 minutes eachâ¯night. |
PE | In year 3, the PE days are Wednesday and Friday for Orchid and Wednesday and Thursday for Mariglold. Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing school uniform and they will then change in school. |
Trips | We are planning on visiting the Natural History Museum as part of our science learning. |
Key Times | For Year 3, the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30. Please stick to these timings as each year group has their own start and end time to ensure social distancing. |
What are we learning?
Literacy | In Literacy, we will be reading ‘Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs’ and Stone Girl, Bone Girl. Looking at writing to entertain. writing to persuade and writing a diary entry. |
Maths | In Maths, we will be focusing on addition and subtraction and continuing to learn our times tables. |
Science | In Science, we are examining the parts of plants and looking at how they reproduce through the process of pollination. |
Geography | Exploring our local area will be the subject of our geographical learning for the Autumn term. We will be discussing pollution, recycling, and how to make our environment more sustainable. |
History | In History, we will investigate how did bronze change Britain. We will be looking at life in the Bronze Age, what did people wear in the Bronze Age and how archaeologists learn about the past. |
RE | In RE this term, we will be focusing on the importance of Christmas and the stories behind it. |
Computing | In Computing, we will be looking at Stop Motion pictures. |
Art | In art, we will be learning about collage. Our focus artists will be Alexander Calder and Henri Matisse. We will create art combining different materials and using our knowledge of colour, shape and movement. |
French | In French, we will be learning basic nouns, deepen our understanding of phonics. |
PSHE | In PSHE we will continue thinking about relationships. Wellbeing will remain a focal point of our learning. |
PE | In PE we will be doing Football. |
Music | In Music, we are continuing to learn repeated patterns and ostinatos, with a focus on Christmas songs. |
How can I help at home?
One of the key ways every parent can help, is to ensure that your child is at school every day and on time. Other than this, the main way you can help is by ensuring that your child reads every day, for at least 25 minutes – this can be with you, or on their own, but it is the most effective way of ensuring that your child progresses and learns outside of school. Practicing times tables frequently is vital, and children should be confident in their times tables by the end of year 3.
If you have any questions, please talk to Miss Sayers or Ms Hewitt, alternatively, you can arrange a meeting via the school email.
Miss Sayers and Ms Hewitt