Year 2
Autumn 2
Welcome to Year 2:
Sunflower and Foxglove class
Mr Turner will be teaching Sunflower class and Miss Dyck will be teaching Foxglove classl.
Welcome to year 2! We hope you find the information below useful. This information will help you support your child at home with the organisation of their week and their learning at home.
Key Times
Homework | Each week, childrenâ¯are expected to learn their spellings, practise their times tables or number bonds, and read for 30 minutes eachâ¯night. |
PE | Our PE Days are Thursday and Friday.
Trips | Tower of London – Date TBC |
Key Times | For Year 2, the school day will begin at 8.30, and end at 3.30. |
What are we learning?
Literacy | In literacy we be focusing on the books, ‘On the Way Home’ by Jill Murphy, ‘Who’s Afraid of the Bad Book?’ by Lauren Child. We will be learning how to write setting descriptions, alternative endings, poetry, and recounts. |
Maths | In Maths, we will be continuing to look at addition and subtraction and will also be moving on to look at 2D and 3D shapes. |
Science | Animals including humans will be our focus of science this half term and we will explore topics including lifecycles, the basic needs of animals and how we can keep our bodies healthy. |
Geography | In Geography, we will continue our work on continents and oceans, exploring key features and climates of different continents. We will be developing our map and atlas work this half term. |
History | In History, we will be learning about life during the Stuart period with a focus on The Gunpower Plot. We will explore the reasons why the plot developed and what life was like for the British population at the time. |
RE | In RE this half term we be exploring our key question ‘Why did God give Jesus to the world?’. Through this we will discuss Jesus’ significance and what we can learn from his teachings. |
Computing | In Computing this half term we will be learning how to use cameras and edit photos. |
Art | Our focus artist in art this half term will be Andy Goldsworthy and we will be exploring how we can use natural materials to create beautiful collages. |
PSHE | Our key focus in PSHE this half term will be relationships. We will discuss how to have healthy and positive relationships with others, both inside and outside school, and how to keep ourselves safe when forming new relationships. |
PE | In PE we will be developing coordination, balance, and agility through participating in team games. |
Music | In Music this half term we will be focusing on learning the songs for our upcoming Christmas performance. We will also explore music theory looking at the pulse, rhythm and tone of pieces of music. |
DT | In DT we will continue our learning about mechanism and will adapt our prototype to make and design our own moving vehicle. |
How can I help at home?
One of the key ways every parent can help is to ensure that your child is at school every day and on time. Other than this, the main way you can help is by ensuring that your child reads every day, for at least 30 - minutes – this can be with you, or on their own, but it is the most effective way of ensuring that your child progresses and learns outside of school. Practicing times tables frequently is vital, and children should be confident in their times tables by the end of year 4. Year 2s focus tables are 3, 4 and 6.
Children have logins for Times Table Rockstars– please encourage them to use this frequently, as it will really help with their quick recall of mathematical facts.
If you have any questions, please talk to Mr. Turner or Miss Dyck
Mr. Turner and Miss Dyck